Archive for January, 2013


In this post I’ll be covering an extremely important topic. One that almost doomed my business to fail as I was getting my start in the industry.

This pertains to setting goals and concentrating your efforts on “high yield” activities to grow your business Now and for the long-term.

High Yield? Yeah, activities that yield the highest return on the time it takes to complete the task at hand.

When I was first getting started in marketing online I found that I wasted a lot of time. And when I say a lot, I mean A TON of time!

Social media marketing has entered the forefront of business advertising in recent years and shows no signs of letting up. Companies are scrambling to hire social media consultants because they realize its true potential, though many are not familiar with the medium and what goes into creating a successful social media campaign.


When comparing social media consulting rates remember that the good ole’ saying “You get what you pay for” holds true. Some companies look for bargains — for the best price they can possibly get. But, when it comes to marketing, this is a recipe for disaster as gambling with one’s business/branding is no joke.

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